European Networks for a sustainable future is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership, that aims to connect small initiatives and activist groups who are trying to trigger a systemic change, necessary to ensure environmental and social justice for the safe future of humanity. In the quest for identifying sustainable solutions to climate change, overconsumption and environmental degradation, and in the era of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, networking in Europe and its sub-regions is of utmost importance.
The project partners are representing two larger European regions: the western European region, and the Southeastern European region. These two very diverse regions in terms of socio-economic background as well as from the bioregional point of view, are connected under the umbrella of GEN Europe, the network that connects communities that have chosen voluntary simplicity, and close human relations rather than prevailing consumeristic and individual-oriented lifestyles. Small communities are the pioneers of social innovation and in daily practice, they can further develop and disseminate the established models of cooperation. Their example will form the basis for the society of the future.
In the last decade, several movements have emerged, with similar scope of action, and mindset. It is necessary to connect these movements and give them a voice that will be heard by policymakers. The main scope of this project is to link interested individuals with groups of like-minded people through two regional platforms, that will serve for raising awareness, sharing information and offering education about sustainable and regenerative practices, on social, economic and environmental levels of existence.
The current partnership is a seed from which larger networks will grow. By the end of the project in december 2022 this web page and extensive database will be available on this site.
Would you or your organization like to get involved? Please contact us!

“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Importantly, the European Commission recognised the need for incubation of community-based activities and has supported the development of SCIPP through a strategic partnership under the Erasmus+ programme.”